

           AET離任式                     Alex先生の挨拶

   ■ Alex先生からのメッセージ     


 To Kocho sensei, Fukukocho sensei, other senseis, and all the students of Fukuchiyama

High School ,
thank you very much for giving me a wonderful experience this year. I had

a lot of fun in Japan, and I hope to visit again very soon.

 To the students: I hope you enjoyed English class this year. Many of you may wonder,

"Why do I need to study English," or "When will I ever need to use English?"
If you don't

like English, that's okay.
But please keep an open mind about other countries and cultures.

Please travel to other countries at least once in your lives.
You'll learn a lot not only

about the world, but also about yourself.

 Finally, many of you are very busy preparing for university. Of course studying is very

important, but please remember to enjoy life. Have fun, okay?

Ganbatte kudasai. See you again!"


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